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-- = -- -- = -- -- = -- a n a . w o r d s aus dem hellblauen salon

Monday, November 09, 2020

ana.words, mehr jahreszeiten geht nicht

"four seasons total landscaping is a family-owned small business run by
life long philadelphians. we were honored to be asked to host a press
conference at our facility. we thank all of those that have shown
support for our business and while we understand the negative comments,
it saddens us that we have received such harsh judgment. our team at
four seasons would have proudly hosted any presidential's candidate's
campaign at our business. we strongly believe in america and in
democracy. we hope that our fellow americans can join together and
support all local small businesses during this time.

for those interested in purchasing shirts, our website will have a
merchandise tab uploades by monday morning, just bear with us!

go birds!"

fuer euch abgetippt von nem posting von
four seasons total landscaping
auf instagram.

da steht in der bio:

Woman-owned, minority business. Philadelphia family business that does
great landscaping & perfect snow removal. Trying to make America green again!

wer nicht weiss
worum's geht:
einmal four seasons (total landscaping)
oder bei twitter nachschauen
(etwa so muss tbz lachen die ganze zeit:
danke fuer link an elke)

wer tbz was schoenes zu weihnachten schenken moechte:
merchandise nun erhaeltlich.
bitte das gruene t-shirt
mit dem firmenlogo in xxl.
und vielleicht noch ein paar
lawn order-sticker.
danke im voraus.
und schnell, sie sind fast ausverkauft!

-- = -- -- = -- -- = --

a n a . w o r d s
aus dem hellblauen salon
seite 444

reicht ana.words weiter!

vragen & kommentare & texte, die
ihr davon findet, sie seien es wert,
dass es die ganze welt erfaehrt, oder
mindestens die redaktion, dann

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