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Thursday, June 07, 2007

ana.words, mac 1984 vs dualcore 2007

vergleich zwischen einem mac plus aus 1984 mit einem windows xp dualcore 2007

der mac ist in mehr als der hälfte der durgeführten tests schneller:

- word starten

- word dokument speichern

- word scrollen!

- excel starten

- excel subtotal berechnen

- booten mac 11 sekunden, xp 63 sekunden

Check out the results! For the functions that people use

most often, the 1986 vintage Mac Plus beats the 2007 AMD

Athlon 64 X2 4800+: 9 tests to 8! Out of the 17 tests, the

antique Mac won 53% of the time! Including a jaw-dropping 52

second whipping of the AMD from the time the Power button is

pushed to the time the Desktop is up and useable.

We also didn't want to overly embarrass the AMD by comparing

the time it takes to install the OS vs. the old Mac. The

Mac's average of about a minute is dwarfed by the

approximately one hour install time of Windows XP Pro.

Is this to say that the Mac Plus is a better computer than

the AMD? Of course not. The technological advancements of 21

years have placed modern PCs in a completely different

league of varied capacities. But the "User Experience" has

not changed much in two decades. Due to bloated code that

has to incorporate hundreds of functions that average users

don't even know exist, let alone ever utilize, the software

companies have weighed down our PCs to effectively

neutralize their vast speed advantages. When we compare

strictly common, everyday, basic user tasks between the Mac

Plus and the AMD we find remarkable similarities in overall

speed, thus it can be stated that for the majority of simple

office uses, the massive advances in technology in the past

two decades have brought zero advance in productivity.

-- = -- -- = -- -- = --

a n a . w o r d s

aus dem hellblauen salon

ana.txt seite 444

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